
Sunday, 16 March 2014

adsense approval made easy trick 2013 in 2 hours official

Adsense Approval made easy trick is the latest 2013 trick by which even new blogger can get the adsense approved with in 2 hours no need to have extra scripting knowledge else having any seo expertise its very simple and 100% working authorized and legal trick for all newbies ,You can see also my previous topic adsense rejected application solutions make approval easy, custom error pages in blogger to avoid the crawl errors, keyboard effect for all blogger and wordpress users.

adsense,approval,tricks,blogger,get approved in,quick method
First and foremost thing i want to tell all users who applying for adsense this is 100% legal and authorized trick with risk free :

My trick merits:

  • 100% working trick
  • 100% risk free
  • 100% approval from adsense
  • works for all countries even india also
  • Although this is working trick usage of this trick completly depends on the interest of users and i not resposible for any thing regarding my trick (its small note to avoid risk)

 Best method to get approved for adsense( this is not trick):

  1. Maintain good traffic see posts how to increase page views, google pageviews increasing advanced trick
  2. Make your site,blog,portal seo optimized and having error free see my posts how to add meta tags ,make your portal seo friendly and optimized for search enginees
  3. Add additional effects to increase your blog traffic random posts, page numbers for blogger
  4. increase page rank for quick approval
  5. this all know by every user well still i never mind to share this to all users below is the trick which i want to share with you all

 Trick to get approved with in 2 hours( official and authorized trick):

what you need:
  • blog or wesite atleast with 15 posts and 3 months old
  • two(2) gmail accounts one is very new one and other one associated with your blog or portal
  • small brain and little patience
  • small video by your own( not copied video else make slide show using images)
Steps to follow to get quick approval adsense trick:
  1.  Use the fresh newly created gmail
  2. login to using the new gmail
  3. now upload video to you tube 
  4. after upload you will find montize tab click that and do the follow instructions
  5. now wait for 2 hours 
  6. After 2 hours you will get mail from adsense rtegarding your approval
  7. Now login to adsense and in home page of your login
  8. Invite the gmail associate with your blog and make as admin
  9. Voila now your adsense get approved very easily
Hope you like my article and enjoyed
comments please


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